About the doctor
Name: Dr. Diana Kostova - Alexieva
Nationality: Bulgarian
2009-until now – Private obstertrician practice - 4D ultrasound, diagnostics , address: Sofia, 13 Aldomirovska street, 1st floor, apt. 01 (near Vranya street crossing)
2002-2010 - Medical Center "Sveta Petka" , medical center "Viara, Nadejda i Liubov", I-st Obstetricians Hospital "Sveta Sofia" - contract
1999-2002 - Specialization for obstretricians practice in "Maichin Dom" - Sofia
1997-1998 - Private pharmacy - Sofia - assistant pharmacist
1990-1991 - 18-th pharmacy - Sofia - assistant pharmacist
1999-2002 - Specialization in obstretrics in "Maichin Dom" - Sofia
1995-1997 - German language course - full volume - 6 levels of Goethe Institute - Sofia
1991-1998 - Medical University - Sofia, Medicine
1988-1990 - Institute for medical staff training - Sofia, Assistant Pharmacist, Gold medal diploma
2001 - High-risk labor
2001 - Basics of Adolescent Obstetrics and Gynecology
2001 - Miniinvasive surgery course - laparoscopy
2001 - Gynecological operational equipment
2001 - Gynecological endocrynology
2000 - Primary and extensive breathing reanimation of the new born
2000 - Prenatal diagnosis of hereditary sickness and inborn anomalies
1999 - Ultrasound in obstretrics
1998-2001 - Colposcopy
Successful certification in obstretrics in "Maichin Dom" 05.07.2002
Obstretrics office - Sofia, 13 Aldomirovska street, 1st floor, apt. 01 (near Vranya street crossing)
Contracted partner in I-st Obstretrics Hospital "Sveta Sofia" for labour
23.03.2024 - Fetal neurosonography - extempore - Chaoi, Luc de Catte
03.2023 - Fertillity congres - hotel Rila, Borovec
05.2023 - MFM congres - hotel Rila, Borovec
04.2023 - VISUS-IV th, GE, MC Markovs, Sofia
06.2023 - FMF World Congres, Valencia, Spain
07.2023 - Fetal expert ultrasound - Chaoi, Abuhamad, Benoa, extempore
08.2023 - Fetal imaging at beyond - Chaoi, Benoa, extempore
10.2023 - Recurrent pregnancy losses reproduction, extempore
11.2023 - Congres BAUAG, hotel Hyatt, Pravez
12.2023 - Ultrasound in OG - Obstetrics and gynecology
03.2022 - Congres BSOG - Bulgarian society obstetric and gynecology, miniinvasive hirurgy - hotel Marinela, Sofia
04.2022 - Fertillity congres - hotel Rila, Borovec
05.2022 - MFM-maternity-fetal medicine congres Katarino, Bansko
06.2022 - FMF World congres - Crete island, Greece
07.2022 - Expert fetal ultrasound - Chaoi, Abuhamad - extempore
08.2022 - Fetal imaging and beyond - Chaoi, Benoa - extempore
2022 - Fetal neurosonografy - Broshtilov - extempore
11.2022 - Congres BAUAG - hotel Marinela, Sofia
24-27.03.2022 - XV Congress BAOG, BAOG. LAPAR. HURURGY - hotel Marinela, Sofia
12-14.11.2021 - Congress BAUAG, Pravec
23.10.21 - Plasmotherapy Covid infection - prof Botev
19.10.2021 - Possible pregnancy in oncologic patients - hospital Nadejda
16.10.2021 - HPV - infection-vaccine, therapy, doc. Karagjozov
28.09.2021 - Webinar 3/4 d ultrasound from General Electric - Rabi Chaoi
14-17.07.2021 - 27 Congres of Perinetal medicine - EAPM - European Asocet, Perinatal Medicine
04.07.21 - Facial anomalyties - Collegium medicinicum
20.06.21 - FMF webinar
06.06.21 - FMF webinar
01.06.21 - Papiloker and HPV infection - firm Gedeon Rihter, Sofia
23.05.21 - FMF webinar - Twin Pregnancy and Future of medicine learning
20-23.05.21 - Congress MFM-Maternity Fetal Medicine - Katarino
18.05.21 - Caesarea Section - EAPM
15.05.21 - Fetal Grouth Restriction - Collegium medicinicum
09.05.21 - Fetal Growth Retardation - FMF webinar
25.04.21 - Fetal medicine foundation - webinar
23.04.21 - Therapy Breast Cancer - prof Timcheva
22.04.21 - Covid - presentation firma Vedra
17.04.21 - Fetal MRI, Genetic tests - Collegium medicinikum
13.04.21 - Diabetes and obesity in pregnancy - EAPM
XXI-Congres sterilitas and reproductive health - 5/8.03.2020 - Borovez
FMF-Fetal Medicine Foundation:
- 17.01.2021 - Postpartal haemorragicum, cardiomyopaties, thyroid diseases
- 31.01.2021 - PGT - Pre-implantation Genetic Testing
- 14.02.2021 - Ultrasound - before and after labor
- 28.02.2021 - Genetic syndroms - Noonan syndrom, CHARGE syndrom
- 14.03.2021 - Intrauterine intervention- spina bifida, Cardiac congenital anomaly
- 11.04.2021 - Maternal medicine series - epilepsy, hyperemesis gravidarum, ECMO in pregnancy
EAPM - European Association Perinatal Medicine:
- 09.03.2021 - Perinatal sepsis
- 30.03.2021 - NIPD-noninvasive perinatal diagnosis - Gemini, rare findings-Roche, GE-General Electric
Webinar - Sectio Caesarea - Shejnovo Hospital - 20.02.2021
Webinar - HPV-infection - diagnosis, symptoms, treatment, vaccines - doc Karagjozov - Vita Hospital - 24.02.2021
Webinar - Unsuccessful implantation - dr Stamenov - Nadejda Hospital - 20.03.2021
Webinar Endometriosis - diagnosis, classification, treatment - dr Stamenov, dr Magunska, dr A.Nalbanski - 27-28.03.2021 - 10hours
Webinar - Kovid 19 - diagnosis, clinic symptoms, treatment, vaccines - Vedra international - 25.02.2021 - dr Simidchiev, Military Hospital Sofia
Theoretical and practical course on 2/3/4D Ultrasound and Doppler - Judy Dawson, USA, Mindray - 02.02.2020 - Sofia
14-th Course of BAUAG - 8-10.11.2019 - Pravez
13-th Simposium of Inferrtility - 11-12.10.2019 - NDK, Sofia
4-th Congress of Maternity Fetal Medicine - 05.2019 - Borovetz
20-th Congress of Inferrtility and reproductive health - 7-10.03.19 - Borovetz
Third Congress of Maternity Fetal Medicine - 03.2018 - Borovez
19-Congres of Inferrtility and reproductive health - 03.2018 - Borovez
17 World Congres of FMF-Fetal Medicine Foundation 06.2018 - Athens, Greece
14 Course of BAUAG and First Jan Donald course in Bulgaria - 11.2018 - Pravez
Ultrasound in Obstetric and gynecology - Hospital Shterev - Sofia, hotel Marinela - 11.2018
Ultrasound of Mother and Fetus - Hospital Sveta Sofia - Sofia - 12.2018
Second Congress of Maternity Fetal Medicine - Pravetz - 12-14.05.2017
Screening of fetal cardiac anomaly - 10-11.06.2017 - Nadejda Hospital, Sofia
27-th World congress ISUOG - Wien, Austria - 16-19.09.2017
Simposium Reproductive Technology - 20-22.10.2017 - Hospital Shterev - hotel Marinela - Sofia
13-th Course on Ultrasound in Obstretrics and Gyneclogy, BAUAG - 3-5.11.2017 - Pravetz
First congress FMF 2016 - Pravetz
Fetal echocardiography course - Prof. Philippe Jeanty - 02.06.16 - Sofia
12-th Course on Ultrasound in Obstretrics and Gyneclogy, BAUAG - 04-06.11.2016 - Pravetz
Ultrasound in Reproductive Medicine - Dr. Shterev Hospital - 2016 - Sofia, hotel Sheraton
16-th congress of infertility and reproductive health - 12-15.03.2015 - Borovetz
Ultrasound in Reproductive Medicine - Viena In Vitro Center - Tokuda Hospital - 23.05.2015
11-th Course on Ultrasound in Obstretrics and Gyneclogy, BAUAG - 6-8.11.2015 - Pravets
Ultrasound in Assisted Reproductive Technologies, Pregnancy and Birth - Hospital Shterev - Sofia 11.2015
Second VISUS course in Bulgaria - IAMU (International Academy of medical ultrasound) - 21-22.11.2015 Sofia
Fetal Echocardiology Symposium 2014 - Prof. Philippe Jeanty - 12.03.2014 - Sofia, Hotel Princess
National congress of infertility and reproductive health - 03.2014г.- Plovdiv
13th World congress FMF - 06.2014г. - Nice, France
Ultrasound in Reproductive Medicine - Viena In Vitro Center - Tokuda Hospital - 10.2014
Ultrasound in Reproductive Medicine - Dr. Shterev Hospital, Sofia - 7/8.11.2014
10-th Course on Ultrasound in Obstretrics and Gyneclogy, BAUAG - Pravetz, 21/23.11.2014
National conference of Infertility - March 2013, Borovets
12th World congress FMF - Malaga, Spain, 23-28 June 2013
9-th Course on Ultrasound in Obstretrics and Gyneclogy, BAUAG - Pravetz, 1-3 November 2013
Ultrasound in Reproductive Medicine - Dr. Shterev Hospital, Sofia, 8-9 November 2013
VІІI-th Course on Ultrasound in Obstretrics and Gyneclogy, BAUAG, 2-4.11.2012, Hissarya
XXII World congress ISUOG, 09.2012, Copenhagen, Denmark
Precongress course:
- Fetal malformations, 08.09.2012
11th World congress FMF, 06.2012, Kos Island
National conference of Infertility - March 2012, Borovets
Conference of Infertility - March 2011, Borovets
10th World Congress in Fetal Medicine 26-30 June 2011 - Malta
7-th Course on Ultrasound in Obstretrics and Gyneclogy with international attendance, 4-6 November 2011, Sofia
Advances in Fetal Medicine Course 19-20 November 2011 London, Imperial College
16th National Conference of Gynaelogic Oncology, 2nd National Conference in Minimally Invasive Gynaecological Surgery, Pleven, Bulgaria, 1-2 December 2011
Online Courses (FMF)
- NT scan ( Nuchal translucency scan in first trimester)
- Basic fetal echocardiography, K.Nicolaides, L.Allan
- Fetal echocardiography, K.Nicolaides, L.Allan
- Doppler diagnostics in Obstetrics and Gynecology, K.Nicolaides, R.Chaoui
XX World Congress on Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology, 10-14 october 2010, Prague, Czech Republic
Precongress courses:
- The new role of the 11-14 week scan, Nicolaides
- Doppler diagnostics in Obstetrics and Gynecology
- Facial defects and other chromosomal defects - Benacerraf
- Early fetal echocardiography 11-14 week
Course on Ultrasound in Obstretrics and Gyneclogy with international attendance, 5-7 october 2010, Pravetz
11 National Congress of Infertility and Contraception, Plovdiv, 2010
Modern tendencies in contemporary gynecology - 22-25 March 2010 - 14-th Onstretrics Conference, Pamporovo
6-th International Course for 3D/4D echography - Amsterdam 21-23.01.2010
Ultrasound in Obstretrics (3D/4D) with the international attendance of MEDISON, Velingrad 2-4.10.2009
Ultrasound in Obstretrics (3D/4D) 2008 - Bankia
Imaging diagnostics of the mammary gland (10-24.04.2006) - NSBALO
Ultrasound in Obstretrics - doppler diagnostics, fetal morphology on ACCUVIX V10 - "Femina" Medical Center, 07.2009
Masters degree in "Health Management" = 200 hours - 5.2007 - 6.2007
Member of ISUOG - member No 12277 - International Society of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology
BAUAG - Bulgarian Association for Obstretrics
BDAG - Bulgarian Association for Obstretrics
FMF - Fetal Medicine Foundation